Morris Sperry lawyers staying on cutting edge of HOA Law learning about vaping, drones, e-cigarettes, Google Glass, and other trends affecting HOAs.

January 30, 2015

Will drones be used by an HOA for enforcement of covenants and common area inspections?  Will drones be used by third parties for the delivery of pizzas, delivery of prescription medications, taking photoragraphs for real estate listings, and other uses in a condominium association?  Will drones “land” in an HOA? Will we need “drone ports”? Is vaping or use of E-cigarettes “smoking” or covered in no smoking policies? Should they be? Are there secondary risks from these devices? Is medical use of Marijuana a problem for community associations in Utah? Will the use of Google Glass, Microsoft Hololense and similar “eyeglasses” that can photgraph or video surepticiously exacerbate the already difficult issue of recording annual meetings and board meetings?

Morris Sperry attorneys are attending seminars and talking about these issues at the National HOA law seminar this week in San Francisco California.This is part of the ongoing effort by Morris Sperry lawyers to stay ahead of these cutting edge issues in the drafting and enforcement of governing documents.